Thursday, April 15, 2010

Week 2 EOC - Chapter 2 - Creating Multiple Streams of Income on the Internet

"Fail Fast For Free- I've often said that on the Internet you can fail fast for free. And if you can fail fast for free, that means you get to fail, fail, and fail at no cost. You can't do that in the real world. And the cost is so inexpensive. Your cost on the Internet is not technically zero but it's close to zero. You can keep failing and failing until you figure out how to succeed. There's just no better place to do it. It's the best.

You have to be much, much more careful in the real world. I call it the real world and the online world. In the real world if you aren't really, really careful, you end up losing all your money on your marketing." (Success Secret of the Online Marketing Superstars, by Mitch Meyerson, pg. 13)

How freeing is that I ask you. To be able to fail and try again and again without causing any permanent damage. I think a lot of times I do not try to do something because of the fear of failing. The what ifs are always haunting. Meyerson says that the number one reason businesses fail is because people run out of money because they are doing marketing that doesn't work. Well here you can try and if it doesn't work you can try a different approach with little affect to your financial situation. Once you find what does work, then if you were inclined to do so, you could invest in different media.

Because you have the luxury of failing, you can experiment; you can find what people really want. What they care about. Then you can give them what they want and in such you become unique and gain an advantage over your competitors.

Because the fear of failing is gone, you can take your mistakes, learn from them, grow and move on to bigger and better things.

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