Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week 4 EOC - Chaper 6 The Seduction of The Online Surfer

"Never sell a wine before its time.

You have exactly five seconds to make your intentions know in the first screenful of your Web site--because that's all most online surfers will give you.
That's why your Web site's first screenful (or the first eyeful) is the prime real estate of your Web site that you must use to set the stage for the seduction. What you put in it makes or breaks the sales success of your Web site."

"The only objective of your headline is to get your prospect to read the opening sentence. The only objective of your opening sentence is to get your prospect to read the second sentence. The only objective of your second sentence is to get your prospect to read the third sentence--and so on and so forth until the prospect pulls out their credit card and buys what you're selling. When the sale is consummated, the seduction is complete. But if you let go at any step, the sales process comes to a screeching halt. (Success Secrets of the Online Marketing Superstars, Mitch Meyerson, pg59-60)

So many times I have gone to a Web site only to quickly click away from it because of its appearance. I do agree that a person makes up their mind in five seconds or less if they are going to spend time at a site because of what they receive visually.

Human beings are visual creatures that are easily bored and lazy. A person is not going spend a lot of time trying to figure it out, so a message has to be conveyed quickly and clearly. You have to capture your visitor's attention so that they recall your site to visit again and again. The use of headlines to pull your prospective customer in will get your visitor curious to spend more time at your site.

A Web site represents your company's image; hence your every approach should be professional and lucid. You only have one chance to capture your visitor or they will never return again.

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